Our People
Uri Registration
Register you and your whānau with Te Kawerau ā Maki
Registration is important for identifying as a member of Te Kawerau ā Maki, participating in governance elections, having access to support, and being connected to the iwi and our activities.
You are eligible to register as a member of Te Kawerau ā Maki if you can whakapapa (either by birth, adoption or whāngai) to two or more of the following persons:
- Tawhiakiterangi
- Mana
- Te Au o Te Whenua
- Kowhatu ki te Uru
- Te Tuiau

Apply for assistance from the iwi
The Tiaki Trust provides limited contestable grants each year to Te Kawerau ā Maki members or projects. Grant funding is of a charitable nature that must directly relate to advancing the social, cultural or environmental wellbeing of the iwi and iwi members. Grant rounds will be opened in batches across the year and timing of these will communicated by the Tiaki Trust. Grants in 2024-2025 include:
- Early Childhood Education
- School Education
- University Education Undergraduate / Tertiary Education
- University Education Postgraduate
- Business Initiative and Training
- Drivers License
- Health and Wellness Grants
- Local/Regional Sporting Event
- National Sporting Event
- International Sporting Event
- Housing Assistance
- Emergency Relief Grants
- Kaumatua and Kuia Retirement Assistance
- Wānanga Initiatives
We are involved in iwi or social development through our Tiaki Trust. We are at the start of the process of developing workstreams and support across education, employment, health, housing, and culture sectors. Some initiatives are likely to take some time to develop but include:
- Education providers, education partners, school curricula and training, scholarships
- Skills training, apprenticeships, uri business support, employment opportunities
- Healthcare programmes, healthcare partnerships
- Whānau housing, papakāinga, facilitating financial help
- Te reo Māori, whakapapa, tikanga, wānanga, cultural events